Plan Center Northwest

Why are we changing the name of the company?

There are two main reasons, first we focus our work exclusively on projects in the Pacific Northwest and we wanted our new brand to reflect our dedication to this beautiful part of the world we get to call home and, secondly, our customers are not all Contractors, so we wanted the new brand to have broader appeal to Engineers, Architects, Estimators, Suppliers, Manufacturers, Municipalities, etc. who also use our service.

Why now?

This change has been in the works for several months and has been in development alongside our new updated web platform that we hope to introduce to our Members soon. We’re excited that our new name and brand better reflect our focus on the PNW and the many different types of construction industry professionals that benefit from our site. 

What else is changing?

On October 1st, you’ll notice some minor updates to our site and our email notifications will start incorporating the new name, but for the most part, your experience will be very similar to how it has been. The biggest change will be where you go to login. Your same username and password will be used to access the new site, but you will need to login at the new web address – We ask that you make sure to update your password manager so it will recognize the new web address. If you need help accessing the site, please reach out to our staff at 503-650-0148. 

Where do I send my membership fee?

You may have noticed over the last couple of years our billing process has evolved with updated accounting processes to help streamline the customer payment experience. The Plan Center has also gone 100% digital to keep pace with modern methods of bid solicitations, take-offs and project tracking. For this reason, you will no longer find us at our old physical location.  However, our long-time staff is still all located right here in the PNW, but now also enjoying the benefits of working remotely. 

Payments can be made by clicking on the link in your emailed invoice and new members can make payments through our website. We also accept payment by check at: PO Box 2486, Clackamas, OR 97015

Please update your records with our new company name and let us know if you need an updated W-9

Who do I contact with questions?

You can reach out to us anytime by email at or by phone at 503-650-0148.